Patent Registration

Steps to Apply for a Patent
(1) The researcher/inventor fills out an invention disclosure form for the purposes of applying for a patent registration and has it signed by all participants in the research whose names are listed in the form, in addition to a non-disclosure agreement form for the purposes of applying for a patent registration and submits these forms to the Technology Transfer Department at Yarmouk University.

(2) The creator undertakes that all information provided in the disclosure form is correct and that the new institutional intellectual property is his creation and is not shared by anyone else who was not mentioned in the disclosure form. The disclosure form is sent electronically to the email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

(3) The forms are approved and stamped by the department, and a copy of them is delivered to the applicant as a pledge from the department not to disclose any information related to the subject of the patent application that is the subject of the application. The original is kept in the department for presentation to the Intellectual Property Committee.

(4) The disclosures are evaluated by the department in terms of novelty, innovation, and industrial applicability, and the results of its evaluation are submitted to the Intellectual Property Committee. The results include the types of rights that can be protected and market opportunities, and it has the right to seek assistance from external parties under agreements prepared for this purpose.

(5) The Intellectual Property Committee shall study the patent registration applications submitted to the department, evaluate them in terms of the creative idea, and take the appropriate decision regarding it, in addition to estimating the financial cost of each of the approved patent registration applications.

(6) The Dean shall submit the recommendations of the Intellectual Property Committee to the President to take the appropriate decision regarding them.

(7) If the university wishes to move forward with the protection of new institutional intellectual property, the department will manage the affairs related to the filing process and prepare the necessary technical and legal documents for this, and it has the right to seek assistance from external parties under agreements prepared for this purpose.

(8) All disclosures submitted to the office are confidential and may not be disclosed by the inventor without a legitimate justification before they are deposited with the competent authorities.
Deanship of Scientific Research and Graduate Studies
The Deanship of Scientific Research and Graduate Studies was established on June 1, 1977, with the aim of organizing the affairs of scientific research and graduate studies at the university.

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Conference and Seminar Building, Second Floor, Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan

0096227211111 (2071)

Copyright © 2024, Deanship of Scientific Research and Graduate Studies, Yarmouk University.
Conference and Seminar Building, Second Floor, Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan

0096227211111 (2071)