Forms and Bylaws

Mechanism for Applying for Approval from the Research Ethics on Humans Board (IRB)
(1) The researcher shall submit the following documents:

- A basic application form. The application must be submitted in the language corresponding to the language of the research (in Arabic) (in English). So that all the required information is placed in the form without having to submit the chart separately.

- Participant consent forms to conduct the research in a way that suits the research procedures, data collection tools, and the target group in the appropriate language, which are:
1. Consent form to participate in a research interview (in Arabic) (in English)
2. Consent form to participate in an experimental study (in Arabic) (in English)
3. Consent form to participate in the questionnaire (in Arabic) (in English)
4. Participant Consent Form - for medical colleges  (in Arabic)
5. Assent Form (in Arabic) (in English)

- A copy of the questionnaire in the appropriate language for the target group (if applicable).

- A copy of the interview questions (if applicable).

- A copy of the data collection form for the retrospective studies.

- A copy of the CV of all faculty researchers participating in the research.

(2) Submit all documents in Word format:

- Send the complete application from the email of the principal investigator (or the principal supervisor of graduate students).

- Send all required forms electronically to the Human Scientific Research Ethics Board at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

(3) The researcher is given a waiting number (DSR) when all required forms are completed as an application number (it does not mean IRB approval).

(4) Received applications are reviewed by the Board.

(5) The principal investigator will be informed via email of the decisions issued by the Board in accordance with the rules.

(6) The principal investigator submits an application renewal form when the approval expires (Ethics Approval Renewal Form).

(7) The principal investigator submits a research closure form upon completion of the research (Research Closure Form).
Research Ethics on Humans (IRB) Forms
Mechanism for Applying for Approval from the Research Ethics on Animals Committee (IACUC)
Deanship of Scientific Research and Graduate Studies
The Deanship of Scientific Research and Graduate Studies was established on June 1, 1977, with the aim of organizing the affairs of scientific research and graduate studies at the university.

Contact Us

Conference and Seminar Building, Second Floor, Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan

0096227211111 (2071)

Copyright © 2025, Deanship of Scientific Research and Graduate Studies, Yarmouk University.
Conference and Seminar Building, Second Floor, Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan

0096227211111 (2071)